We tend to look at successful people with great awe. Pacquiao’s big successes in the ring brought him immense material wealth and a celebrity status. It is no secret to most Filipinos that Manny owns houses and properties at home and abroad. YouTube is filled with videos showcasing Manny’s real state properties, fancy houses, and business ventures. It is not uncommon to hear people say “sana all” every time they saw other people’s wealth and material possession. While there are many wealthy people around, Manny Pacquiao is a perfect example of “from rags to riches” story. Of course, he undoubtedly has a talent in boxing but if he did not work hard like he did, he would not have gotten to where he is now.

Whatever Manny possesses today, he paid it all with blood, sweat, tears and mountains of sacrifice. Hence, it is an irony for people to say “sana all” when they watch Manny Pacquiao’s houses and cars on YouTube.

Great wealth comes from big success. Success on the other hand comes from hard work and sacrifices. The “sana all” expression is kind of disingenuous to say the least. Disingenuous in the sense that you are blindsiding the hard part of the story. It is an expression of wanting the good results but ignoring the hard part of sweat, tears, sacrifices and hard work that comes with it.

You wanted to have a fancy house, a car, or a lifestyle like the successful guy? but are you also willing to pay the price to have those stuff?

The following are just a few of the common sacrifices that people have to go through in order to achieve what they have:

1.) Are you willing to wakeup 4am each morning to go to work?

2.) Are you willing to finish your schooling and find good jobs?

3.) Are you willing to go abroad away from your family, and not attending your kid’s birthday while caring for other people’s child?

4.) Are you willing to toil in the heat working in the dessert?

5.) Are you willing to experienced frost bite in your hand while working in a sub-zero winter land?

6.) Are you willing to read libraries of self-help books?

7.) Are you willing to invest in yourself, improved your skills and think big?

8.) Are you willing to learn something new and become an entrepreneur?

9.) Are you willing to overcome your laziness?

10.) Are you willing to overcome your ignorance?

11.) Are you willing to stop competing with others and start competing with yourself from yesterday?

12.) Are you willing to stop going with the crowd or herd mentality and instead, start creating your own path to success?

13.) Are you willing to come out of your comfort zone and venture into the unknown?

14.) Are you willing to stop talking and start doing things?

15.) Are you willing to become brave to stand up and speak your mind and also humble enough to set down and listen?

16.) Are you willing to think differently?

Instead of wasting our time being envious on other peoples material or possession advantage, let us use our time working on ourselves to achieve what we want.